Yoga – Animated & creative early childhood yoga program
Our Fun-Key Yoga program is a perfect blend of relaxation techniques combined with noisy and animated fun to captivate children’s imagination. Our yoga instructors use storytelling, games, music and props to engage the children on a mental and physical level, taking them on a journey of mind and spirit. Promoting fitness program for kids, participants have a strong sense of self and belonging whilst stretching their bodies and minds in a playful and nurturing environment.
Focusing on breath and energy, children are provided with basic tools to assist in managing anxiety and self-regulation. Our Fun-Key Yoga children enjoy building; strength and flexibility, body awareness, mindfulness, imagination and concentration, balance and coordination.
About hey dee ho
For over 35 years, hey dee ho has been working in early learning centres around the country to provide children with interactive and educational programs. In a safe and supportive environment, we work with children to help them develop new skills that provide the foundation for future learning.
As well as our Fun-Key Yoga classes, we also provide music, fitness, storytelling and sing and sign classes that support childrens’ growth and development with the help of trusted and nurturing professionals.