
Clean Up Australia Day

A group of children sits on the floor, watching an adult lead an activity at the front of the classroom.

With climate change and pollution becoming ever more immediate concerns, we believe the environment is something that everyone should learn to respect and care for from a young age. So when Creative Garden Cheltenham held their ‘Clean Up Australia Open Day’ on Friday, Super Green Girl was on the case! Amelia from hey dee ho Brighton ran an interactive concert focused on ways we can help to keep Australia clean. Several local families had a blast getting involved in the day’s activities, and we were even honoured to have some guests from the local Regis Aged Care facility.

As with all hey dee ho sessions, Amelia began with an Acknowledgement of Country song, showing respect for the traditional owners of the land – before stepping it up with some high energy movement songs to get everybody grooving. Once everyone was settled and ready to listen, Amelia donned her ‘Super Green Girl’ cape, handed out superhero masks for all, and began a vibrant discussion about ways we can Reduce, Reuse And Recycle; including op-shopping, repairing broken things, what we can and can’t recycle, and taking the initiative to pick up litter in our own environments.

Next up the children (some still wearing their superhero masks) got to use the big blue lycra sheet to make BIIIIIG waves on the ocean, bouncing around all the different ocean creatures, while learning about how our choices can impact the lives of our favourite animals, big and small. We then delved into Amelia’s favourite book ‘Compost Stew’ and discussed how we can help the earth to grow more food by disposing of our biodegradable waste responsibly.

We finished the session with a good old-fashioned boogie to some of our favourite songs, our Aged Care guests clapping ecstatically in their seats and one little girl proclaiming ‘I’m a superhero!’ before winding down with the hey dee ho goodbye song.

From the three Rs – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle – to Compost Stew and learning about the creatures of the ocean; the children used interactive play, song and dance to learn about conservation, recycling and the effect we can have on the world around us. The families who attended discovered the joy of our interactive hey dee ho sessions, and our guests from the Aged Care got to share in the energy and exuberance of our youngest generation.